Reading List 2024
Published Feb 2024
Here's my reading list for the year. In total, I hope to finish 40 books.
- ✅ Heart of a Dog
- ✅ The Young Man
- ✅ Tress of the Emerald Sea
- ✅ Efficient Linux at the Command Line
- ✅ The Creative Act: A Way of Being
- ✅ ⭐ Runaway Horses
- ✅ The Temple of Dawn
- ✅ The Swift Progamming Language
- ✅ The Laws of Trading
- ✅ Energy Primer
- ✅ The MANIAC
- ✅ Deep Learning for Coders
- ✅ The Decay of Angel
- ✅ ⭐ When Genius Failed
- 📖 An Introduction to Statistical Learning
- 📖 The World for Sale
- 📖 The C Programming Language
- Skunk Works
- Introduction to Linear Algebra
- Notes from Underground
- Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
- The Rig Veda
- Hunger
- Eisenhower in War and Peace
- Kissinger: The Idealist
- What is Life?
- The Meaning of History
- Sex Differences in Intelligence
- Skin in the Game
- Hidden Potential
- Bhagavad Gita
- Revolt Against the Modern World
- Programming Rust
- Stalin's War
- The Elementary Particles
- The Society of the Spectacle
- ?
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